Supporting Head Start Facilities Solutions

In support of the Office of Head Start (OHS) and the 12 Head Start Regional Offices, CDI partners with UMass Donahue Institute on the Head Start Real Property Facilities Initiative (RPFI).  RPFI assists the Office of Head Start with the management and oversight of issues related to facilities in which the federal government has a federal interest. A federal interest is created when the federal government has provided funding for construction, purchase or renovation of a property.

What We Do

  • Support on Real Property Status Report SF-429 and Property Tracking Management System– a required report grant recipients must submit to report federal funds invested in facilities.
  • Assistance OHS to review, manage, and track grant recipient applications for major renovations, construction, and purchase of new facilities.
  • Research of public and federal records for the purpose of verifying federal investments.
  • Technical application review and trend analysis of 1303 Subpart E applications.
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