Transition Works Supporting Successful Transitions for the Office of Head Start
Community Development Institute (CDI) operates Transition Works as part of the Office of Head Start (OHS) Interim Management Contract to minimize the disruption to Head Start services in communities experiencing a transition of Head Start provider agencies.
Transition Works team members support OHS Regional Office Specialists in leading service area transitions through the Designated Renewal System (DRS) or other events. Transition resources and support are designed to ensure that Regional Office Specialists have the needed knowledge, skills, and resources for leading successful transitions.
Proven Tools, Resources, and Services
Transition Works services, tools, and resources help Regional Offices plan and manage the transitions between Grant Recipient agencies that ensure a continuation of Head Start and Early Head Start services.
The well-designed and informed supports and services are based on years of CDI experience managing transitions related to Interim Management and have successfully informed Regional Offices about the critical components of transitions that can cause a potential disruption of services.
Transition Works services generate essential information for Regional Offices, from preparation for service area grant competitions, such as analysis and assessments of the condition of facilities used for child services and community studies, to post-award orientations for Grant Recipients and coordination of activities that occur between Grant Recipients.